Brewed and bottled by: Budejovicky Budvar, Czech Republic How they bill it: “Our premium pale lager is beer for real connoisseurs. The first-class female cones of top-quality Saaz hops, pure clean natural water from 300-metre deep artesian wells and carefully selected grains of a unique cultivar of Moravian barely make the premium lager a drink for real beer experts.” My take: Instantly invigorating with a hint of discipline. Like those crazy dudes who swim in winter. Feels like you've just broken the ice and dived in. Refreshed, proud of yourself, feeling invincible … and ready to get back to work and do your duty. Drink with beef goulash and the sounds of Please The Trees ...
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Brewed and bottled by: Pact Beer Co, Canberra, Australia How they bill it: “We’ve taken the traditional Pale Lager - a clean, crisp refreshing beer and infused it with a farm full of Loral hops. Bringing equal parts old world noble and new world fruity hop awesomeness, the L yeah is an everyday beer with character, exposing melon, citrus, and fresh cacao.” My take: This is a crisp-honeyed paradox, full of hidden treasures. A zingy burst on the tongue, and then it's gone leaving the warmth of a summer evening. It’s like a jovial highwayman, holding up your carriage. You hand over your jewels and money, but there’s repartee, and its full of bonhomie so you all end up back at their place, on the verandah for a late supper whilst you play Cards Against Humanity. Drink with fish and chips and the sounds of John Butler Trio. Cheers, Sabine. |
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